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    A physiotherapist and personal trainer who had cocaine and more than $12,000 in cash hidden in his Audi was given a last minute chance to clean up his act by a magistrate touched by his raw honesty about addiction.

    The defendant, 32, from Olympic park, was caught after police saw him do a deal outside Hotel Ravesis in Bondi on August 14.

    As well as the cash, police found 7.4g of cocaine hidden in a secret compartment of a Mento container, the police facts state.

    He pleaded guilty to charges of drug supply, dealing with the proceeds of crime and possession in October.

    His lawyer told Waverley Local Court on Tuesday his client took up dial a dealing to fund his $1000 a week ice addiction.

    The defendant had “decreased his ice dependency” and was now picking cherries and apples for pocket money on a farm owned by his parents who have no idea of his involvement with drugs, the court heard.

    A sentencing assessment report deemed him unsuitable to undertake community service due to his ongoing ice addiction.

    That’s when Magistrate Ross Hudson started asking questions.

    “When did you last use – be honest,” Magistrate Hudson asked.

    “A week ago,” the defendant said.

    Magistrate Hudson said he was going to put over sentencing until March to give the man a final chance at redemption.

    “I want clean urines. I want you available for community service work,” Magistrate Hudson said.

    “I’m not dealing with insignificant amounts, in hundreds, I’m dealing with $12,000.

    “That’s a significant quantity of drugs being supplied for $12,000.

    “You can’t dabble or dance with ice. You don’t have a causal relationship with it.”

    Magistrate Hudson said the man must do whatever it takes to never use again.

    “It’s already been a week. It’s got to be eight day, nine days, 10 days and by the time you come back before me it’s got to be months since you’ve used,” Magistrate Hudson said.

    The defendant is also facing two charges of driving on an expired licence.

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